Sugar causes obesity. Sugar causes diabetes. It’s that simple. Sugar is a toxin that’s fueling the global obesity epidemic, says Dr. Robert Lustig, USCF endocrinologist. This amazing new video series shows clear scientific evidence that obesity, diabetes, and many other diseases are caused by sugar and refined carbs in prepared foods and soft drinks.
In The Skinny on Obesity, Dr. Lustig and his colleagues tease out the science behind this alarming claim and the dire threat it poses to global public health. Dr. Lustig’s 2009 video “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” has gone viral on YouTube and and sparked a national dialogue about Obesity and Sugar.
Episode 1): An Epidemic for Every Body
Episode 2): Sickeningly Sweet
Episode 3): Hunger and Hormones – A Vicious Cycle
Episode 4): Sugar – A Sweet Addiction
Episode 5): Generation XL
Episode 6): A Fast-Paced, Fast Food Life
Episode 7): Drugs, Cigarettes, Alcohol…and Sugar?
View Dr. Lustig’s 2009 video: The Bitter Truth
Here’s the science we’ve all been waiting for. In this detailed video he explains how all sugars destabilize metabolism, with over 2.7 million views.